Getting started with Torchserve

Learn Torchserve with examples + Introducing the management dashboard

October 15, 2020

In my previous post I shared how to serve a 🤗 transformer model with torchserve to have your own self-hosted token-classification inference widget.

This time I will go into more detail on torchserve. And share the torchserve management dashboard for making life easier 🎉

What is Torchserve?

Torchserve is an official solution from the pytorch team for making model deployment easier.

💡 Some feature highlights and why you should care;

  • Automatic batching of incoming requests!no more fumbling with request poolers & threads;
    • Let’s say your server got 210 requests at once; if configured to use a batch size of 16, those requests get batched like (16*13)+2. That means 13 batches of requests get distributed between however many workers you have and the remaining 2 request wait for more incoming requests, that is until max_batch_delay then they also get processed and returned.(Each request = 1 example)
  • Flexible scalability
    • You can easily spawn multiple workers and change the number of workers.
    • During busy hours just increase the number of workers to spawn more workers!
    • 🔥 It also respawns a worker automatically if it dies for whatever reason.
  • Model versioning
    • Easy A/B testing.
  • Inbuilt handlers for image_classification, object_detection, text_classification, image_segmentation
    • Although you might need to tweak some stuff it provides a good starting point.
  • Metrics logging (not covered in this post)
    • Access logs, performance logs and custom logs.

among many other features.


Install the necessary libs (The usual)

(Optional - Recommended) Torchserve Management Dashboard repo:

Torchserve uses a REST API for managing models, this dashboard is just a handy UI (clicky-click) way of doing things rather than remembering & typing ..long.. curl commands.

pip3 install torchserve-dashboard --user

Prepare your model

First you need to create a .mar file using torch-model-archiver utility. You can think of this as packaging your model into a stand-alone archive, containing all the necessary files for doing inference. If you already have a .mar file from somewhere you can skip ahead.

Before you run torch-model-archiver you need;

  • A saved model
  • A custom or inbuilt handler

How to save a model

There are 2 ways to save your model

  • With torchscript docs (examples below)* refered to in torchserve docs as script_module (JIT saved models)


# scripted mode
from torchvision import models
import torch
model = models.densenet161(pretrained=True)
# OR a model you saved before with, PATH) 
# model = torch.load('/mnt/model_you_saved_before.pth')
sm = torch.jit.script(model)"")

I have had more luck with the below method:

#traced mode
from torchvision import models
import torch
model = models.densenet161(pretrained=True)
# OR a model you saved before with, PATH) 
# model = torch.load('/mnt/model_you_saved_before.pth')
example_input = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, example_input)"")

Package your model

I will explain each option unless it’s self explanatory:

torch-model-archiver \
--model-name my_fancy_model \ # this will be the name of the .mar file -> my_fancy_model.mar
--version 1.0 \ 
--handler image_classifier \ # an inbuilt handle (image_classifier,object_detector,text_classifier,image_segmenter) OR a custom
--serialized-file ./ \ # This is required BUT you might not need it depending on your handler (More on this below!-> context.manifest['model']['serializedFile'] )
--model-file ./ \ # You kinda dont need this if you save your model as a whole or use a torchscript model.(sets context.manifest['model']['modelFile'])
--extra-files ./index_to_name.json \ # whatever files you need to make handler work. Inbuild handlers use index_to_name.json to map ids to class labels
--runtime python3 \
--export-path ./model_store \ # where the .mar file will be created
-requirements-file \ # you can package together custom python packages using this.
--force \ #overwrite if .mar exists
--archive-format default \ # {default,tgz,no-archive}-> outputs .mar or .tar.gz or unarchived(a folder)

Inbuilt handlers

There are default handlers for image_classification, object_detection, text_classification, image_segmentation tasks. These handlers might be enough for you if your model doesn’t vary from the imagenet+resnet standarts. (ie your image preprocessing uses imagenet dimensions and statistics & has at least 5 classes)

In any case it is pretty easy to modify/write your own handler using one of these inbuilt handlers as your base class. Let’s look at the most basic example below the BaseHandler:

Anatomy of a torchserve handler

📘 initialize(once) -> handle ( preprocess -> inference -> postprocess )

class BaseHandler(abc.ABC):
    # I removed some bits for clarity full code:
    def __init__(self):
        self.model = None

    def initialize(self, context):
        # boilerplate
        properties = context.system_properties
        self.map_location = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
        self.device = torch.device(
            self.map_location + ":" + str(properties.get("gpu_id")) if torch.cuda.is_available() else self.map_location
        self.manifest = context.manifest

        # model_dir is the inside of your archive!
        # extra-files are in this dir.
        model_dir = properties.get("model_dir")

        # This is where the serialized-file option goes
        # When writing a custom handler you might even skip it!
        # (although it will still be a required param of torch-model-archiver, just use placeholder empty file)
        serialized_file = self.manifest["model"]["serializedFile"]

        model_pt_path = os.path.join(model_dir, serialized_file)

        # This is where the model-file opt goes so if not using eager model you can skip it
        model_file = self.manifest["model"].get("modelFile", "")

        if model_file:
            logger.debug("Loading eager model")
            self.model = self._load_pickled_model(model_dir, model_file, model_pt_path)
            logger.debug("Loading torchscript model")
            self.model = self._load_torchscript_model(model_pt_path)

    def preprocess(self, data):
        # data is shaped like [batch_size,...]
        return data

    def inference(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        # data is whatever returns from preprocess
        result = self.model(data)
        return result

    def postprocess(self, data):
        :return: Python list! This is important
        # data is whatever returns from postprocess
        # return shape should be [batch_size,...]
        return data.tolist()

    def handle(self, data, context):

        self.context = context

        data = self.preprocess(data)
        data = self.inference(data)
        data = self.postprocess(data)
        return data

What is context? It carries the following properties.

context.model_name = model_name
context.manifest = manifest
context.system_properties = {
    "model_dir": model_dir,
    "gpu_id": gpu,
    "batch_size": batch_size,
    "server_name": "MMS",
    "server_version": mms_version

Manifest: includes details specified during torch-model-archiver

{'createdOn': '13/10/2020 19:34:50', 
'runtime': 'python3', 
'model': {
    'modelName': 'my_fancy_model',
    'serializedFile': '',
    'handler': '', 
    'modelVersion': '1.0'},
'archiverVersion': '0.2.0'}

Write your own handlers

Take a look at some of the inbuilt handlers. Below is some snippets for the image_classifier handler. As you can see below you can just subclass VisionHandler replace with your own image_processing transforms, maybe set a different top_k and you are done!

class VisionHandler(BaseHandler, ABC):
    Base class for all vision handlers
    def preprocess(self, data):
        images = []

        for row in data:
            image = row.get("data") or row.get("body")
            image =
            image = self.image_processing(image)

        return torch.stack(images)
class ImageClassifier(VisionHandler):
    ImageClassifier handler class. This handler takes an image
    and returns the name of object in that image.

    topk = 5
    # These are the standard Imagenet dimensions
    # and statistics
    image_processing = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
                             std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

    def set_max_result_classes(self, topk):
        self.topk = topk

    def get_max_result_classes(self):
        return self.topk

    def postprocess(self, data):
        ps = F.softmax(data, dim=1)
        probs, classes = torch.topk(ps, self.topk, dim=1)
        probs = probs.tolist()
        classes = classes.tolist()
        return map_class_to_label(probs, self.mapping, classes)

If you want more examples, also here is an example handler using transformers pipelines.

Server Configuration

A basic torchserve config is a file like below.


Change the ports to available ones and create a model_store directory to keep your .mar files. Also modify batch_size and number_of_gpu to your liking.

Start the server

  • Run torchserve --start --ncs --model-store ./model_store --models my_fancy_model=my_fancy_model.mar --foreground --ts-config ./

OR - (Recommended) Using torchserve-dashboard

Run torchserve-dashboard --server.port 8505 -- --config_path ./

go to http://localhost:8505

Then pick your .mar file give it a name then click register

(Later) remove a model:

Get predictions with HTTP requests

In VisionHandler we can see that images are expected as bytes in request body or data. So requests can be sent like this:

import io
import httpx
from PIL import Image

img_file = open("./test_img.jpg", "rb").read()
image =
res ="", data=img_file)

Some final thoughts

There are still some ways to go for torchserve to be a full-blown production ready tool IMO. Some features I’m missing; - Native support for type & dimension checks. Sure, you can do all that in your custom handler but would be nice to have it built-in. For example in VisionHandler by adding a check for image dimensions.

  • Plugins documentation

Torchserve is still pretty new (version 0.2.0 at the time of writing) it will get there!


  • Torchserve extracts .mar files in /tmp/ when serving.

  • index_to_name.json format is {“0”: “cat”,“1”: “dog”}

Security note: Management API/UI should not be on a public address (ie use localhost). I suggest using a reverse proxy with https+auth / or ssh port forwarding also refer to this


Questions & Contributions & Comments are welcome~ Open an issue.


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